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Hidden Gems: Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline: Metaphysical & Mystical Properties

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Black Tourmaline Rectangle Sacred Tribe Ring

Known as the ‘The Protection Stone,” Black Tourmaline is one of the more powerful safeguarding gemstones. Tourmaline shields us from the darkness of negative, toxic energy.

As the color black naturally attracts all wavelengths of light, Black Tourmaline absorbs light, both physically and energetically. It contains within itself hidden high-vibrational light frequencies that raise our inner consciousness, empowering us to rise above harmful, toxic energies around us and within us.

Black Tourmaline is unique among gemstones. Unlike other gems that reflect and radiate different light frequencies, Black Tourmaline draws all light frequencies inside itself, acting as a super powerful light receptacle.

The light energy contained and hidden within Black Tourmaline creates a barrier of positive high vibrational light that dissolves darkness.

Black Tourmaline’s metaphysical and mystical properties come into play while wearing this powerful gemstone. Negative feelings of anxiety, worry, and fear of the unknown will evaporate. Anything unhealthy that you wish to release will disappear. Wear Black Tourmaline gemstone jewelry with intention.

Black Tourmaline’s Adventurous Birth Journey

A crystal’s manifested form, color and attributes are the external expression of its internal structure and life journey. It is much like how our own individual characteristics and behavior reflect our inner mind,
soul, and personal journey.

Black Tourmaline’s birth journey begins deep within the womb of Mother Earth. It is mostly found near volcanic sources because it needs a combination of intense heat and humidity to grow.

Iron, Magnesium, Quartz, and a mixture of other minerals combine together in just the perfect formula. Within time this medley of minerals, extreme heat, and sultry moisture make it possible for Mother Earth to gradually produce a beautiful and powerful Black Tourmaline crystal.

Natural magnetic Iron energy from the earth enhances the benefits of Black Tourmaline.

Iron gives Black Tourmaline its weight, magnetic force, and the ability to absorb and negate electromagnetic radiation.

For this reason it is excellent to wear while working with a computer, cell phone, or other electronic devices.

Black Tourmaline can balance electromagnetic interference, and as such it is widely used in many air and water purifiers. Its magnetic attraction makes it extremely versatile.

Rough Black Tourmaline Crystal — Born of Mother Earth

Magnesium and Quartz contribute interesting and valuable inclusions in Black Tourmaline, offering their abilities to induce calmness and clarity respectively.

Mother-Daughter Design Team Insights

We love using Black Tourmaline in all its various forms for our sterling silver jewelry designs.

For Black Tourmaline’s natural rough state, we created a design that extols the protective and brave nature of this raw and formidable crystal.

Brassy Brave Pendant with Black Tourmaline

We used brass, an effective conductor of the electrical energy
within Black Tourmaline. The engraved snake motif on the Brassy Brave Pendant symbolizes the breath, the body-guard of our life force.

Black Tourmaline is just the right hardness for cutting into a variety of shapes.
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Super Power: Black Tourmaline and Quartz

For this design we had our gemstone artisans cut rough Black Tourmaline into a very popular shape that everyone loves, the triangle. Triangles can symbolize a variety of different meanings: Body, Mind, Spirit; or, Beginning, Middle,
End. The triangle can also expresses feminine Energy.

We added clear Herkimer Diamond Quartz to enhance the power of clarity in the Black Tourmaline, giving this exceptional statement piece its Super Power. The Herkimer also creates an artistic contrast that compliments the tourmaline’s rough ridges. We surrounded these attractive gems in a circle of life with timeless engravings.

Cabochon Black Tourmaline is  as smooth and shiny as black silk.
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Cleopatra Black Tourmaline Ring

Sacred geometric patterns are inherent in nature and have been used in art and jewelry by many cultures for centuries.

We created our Cleopatra Line in a perfect combination of suave geometric style, and smooth
cabochon Black Tourmaline. On the subtle plane, Black Tourmaline’s electromagnetic light energy works to clear our minds. It neutralizes unwanted thoughts and feelings, enabling us to focus Cleopatra Ring on what is important and to move forward gracefully like Cleopatra herself.

Black Tourmaline is like the magician of gemstones.
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Tourmalinated Quartz Wonderland Pendant

Black Tourmaline naturally occurs in all kinds of different forms and finds its way inside various gemstones. In this piece Crystal Clear Quartz sparkles crisply like the first winter’s snow glittering through the fine, delicate yet sharply delineated Black Tourmaline branches; A perfect picturesque scene of a winter wonderland.

This gorgeous Tourmalinated Quartz pendant holds a lot of positive light energy. The bold bale compliments the power of this extraordinary stone.

Green Tourmaline that naturally occurs in Quartz Crystal protects the heart chakra. It awakens our
hearts to self-love and confidence.
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Sun Tribe Art Unisex Green Tourmaline Ring

Green Tourmaline is a lighter, more affectionate version of Black Tourmaline. It is enriched with empathy and self-love. We set these rare, raw stones in sterling silver and brass, then complimented them with engraved tribal art designs. Wear this powerful love conduit as Mother Nature intended.

Artistic brush strokes of rich Black Tourmaline
create treasured patterns amidst a radiating
background of glowing Rainbow Moonstone.
Nature’s artwork at play.
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Nature’s Artwork: Rainbow Moonstones with natural Black Tourmaline

We usually select Moonstones with no inclusions. But nature has a different way to express her skills. We couldn’t resist when we found these gorgeously diversified and shining Rainbow Moonstones with natural Black
Tourmaline art splashing through, creating nature’s own mystical designs.

We honored Mother Nature by adding our own simple engraving on the ring band.

These wearable pieces of art are truly Nature’s Treasures.

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