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Save- Buy Assortments

Check Out Our New Category

We created a new category, ‘Save Buy Assortments’, to give you a great opportunity to stock up on our popular fast selling earrings at a drastically reduced price.

Each beautiful assortment has 6 different earring designs in the gemstone of your choice:
Amethyst, Blue Topaz, Citrine, Garnet, Iolite, Moonstone, Peridot, Variety Pack

Buying an assortment gives you a value of over $100 for the reduced price of only $70.

Click on the pictures below to view our new category
Save- Buy Assortments

A note from a first-time customer that I couldn’t resist sharing;

“Hello Elaine, I am writing you to thank you for my order and the gift! Since this was my first time ordering, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. Everything is breathtaking! Beyond my expectations! Just stunning! I can’t say enough about your products! I am thrilled I found you! Your new life-time customer.” -Kim, Store Owner, Ca.

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